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Our Programmes

To many, making music suggests a luxury pastime, a ‘nice to have’. To the children in our programmes, making music is a necessity, a life line. Since 2003, our work has strengthened our belief that music offers alternatives.

Developed specifically to assist in the nurturing of RESILIENCE in children, this programme takes place during the school year over a period of 10 months within the classroom setting as part of the Life Orientation curriculum. The four pillars of the programme incorporate the Circle of Courage model; independence, generosity, mastery and belonging.

One-on-one or group-based sessions provide children with much needed clinical interventions. Music Therapy gives a voice to the unheard and unhealed experience, and assists the remedial process.

Provides various school music activities utilising the Circle of Courage model. Sessions create safe spaces in which to develop a sense of Belonging, Mastery, Generosity and Independence.

Aimed at children aged between 2-6 years living in environments characterised by poverty, violence and abuse, and strives to contribute to their holistic development.

Creative Music Facilitation Training

Training workshops that empower childcare workers, teachers, nurses and primary healthcare professionals with skills to facilitate music groups focusing on offering psychosocial support to the children in their care.

Also read about how music works, the context of our work and the communities in which we work.